Subject: Zoology
Course N o. Zool. 201
Full Course Name: Agnatha and Gnathostomata
Full Marks: 50 Time: 3(Three) hours
(N.B: Answer any Five Questions. Illustrate yours answers wherever necessary. Figures in the margin indicate marks.)
1. (a) Differentiate Agnatha from Gnathostomata. 3(b) Discuss the evolutionary advancement of Subphylum Vertebrata. 7
2. (a) Write down the diagnostic characters of Class Cephalaspidomorphi and Maxini. 5
(b) Briefly describe the life cycle of lamprey. 5
3. (a) Discuss the theories related to the origin of chordates. 8
(b) Draw a labeled diagram of buccal funnel of lamprey. 2
4. (a) Classify Ostracoderms with three characters and one example. 8
(b) What is Acanthoidaii? 2
5. (a) Define fish. 2
(b) Classify Chondrichthyes up to Order mentioning two diagnostic
characters and one example. 8
6. (a) Differentiate homocercal and heterocercal caudal fish. 3
(b) Give an account of feeding adaptation of fishes. 7
7. (a) Why are stenohaline and euryhaline fish? 2
(b) Discuss the function swim bladder in fish. 4
(c) What do you mean by hemibranch and demibranch? Draw a labeled
diagram of a demibranch. 2+2=4
8. (a) What are lung fish? 2
(b) Discuss the zoogeographical distribution of living lung fishes. 4
(c) Write a brief account on the origin and evolution of fish. 4
9. Write notes on any four of the followings; 4 × 2.5 = 10
a) Rajiformes;
b) Latimeria;
c) Cat fish;
d) Weberian ossicle;
e) Pineal eye; &
f) Ganoid scale.