বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৮ জুন, ২০১২

Question of Zoology Department, Chittagong University. 2011--Zool 201

Subject: Zoology 
Course N o. Zool. 201 
Full Course Name: Agnatha and Gnathostomata 
Full Marks: 50                                                      Time: 3(Three) hours 
(N.B: Answer any Five Questions. Illustrate yours answers wherever necessary. Figures in the margin indicate marks.) 
  1. (a) Differentiate Agnatha from Gnathostomata.  3
      (b) Discuss the evolutionary advancement of Subphylum Vertebrata. 7
 2. (a) Write down the diagnostic characters of Class Cephalaspidomorphi and Maxini. 5
     (b) Briefly describe the life cycle of lamprey.  5
 3. (a) Discuss the theories related to the origin of chordates.  8
     (b) Draw a labeled diagram of buccal funnel of lamprey.  2
 4. (a) Classify Ostracoderms with three characters and one example. 8
     (b) What is Acanthoidaii?  2
 5. (a) Define fish.  2
     (b) Classify Chondrichthyes up to Order mentioning two diagnostic
        characters and one example.  8
 6. (a) Differentiate homocercal and heterocercal caudal fish.  3
     (b) Give an account of feeding adaptation of fishes.  7
 7. (a) Why are stenohaline and euryhaline fish?  2
     (b) Discuss the function swim bladder in fish.  4
     (c) What do you mean by hemibranch and demibranch? Draw a labeled
        diagram of a demibranch. 2+2=4
 8. (a) What are lung fish?  2
     (b) Discuss the zoogeographical distribution of living lung fishes.  4
     (c) Write a brief account on the origin and evolution of fish.  4
 9. Write notes on any four of the followings;  4 × 2.5 = 10
    a)  Rajiformes;
    b)  Latimeria;
   c)  Cat fish;
   d)  Weberian ossicle;
   e)  Pineal eye; &
   f)  Ganoid scale.

বুধবার, ২৭ জুন, ২০১২

General directions to Students for practical lab : Part 1

Student’s Equipments

Each student, while coming to the laboratory for the practical work, is required to Bring certain necessary equipments. However, it is not possible to list all what is required, but the following list is considered necessary.
      1.            Practical note book.
      2.            A manual of practical zoology.
      3.            Drawing pencil.
      4.            Pencil sharpener
      5.            Pencil eraser
      6.            Measuring scale
      7.            Dissecting box containing the following instruments
a.       Scalpels two or three, sharp and different sizes.
b.      Scissors two pairs, a fine pointed pair for fine dissection and the other large, for general work.
c.       Forceps two, one fine pointed and other blunt.
d.      Dissecting needle two, mounted in handles.
e.       Blow pipe one.
f.       One edged safety razor or blade.
      8.            Brush one.
      9.            Dropper one.
  10.            Hand lens one.
  11.            A piece of clean cloth.
  12.            Alpins
Do not mind bring all these things on every turn, you do not know when you may need them.