শুক্রবার, ৬ জুলাই, ২০১২

Question of Zoology Department, Chittagong University. 2011--Zool 202

Subject: Zoology
Course No. Zool. 202
Full Course Name: Amphibia and Reptilia
Full Marks: 50                                                                               Time: 3(Three) hours
(N.B: Answer any Five Questions. Illustrate yours answers wherever necessary.
Figures in the margin indicate marks.)
1.        Classify Amphibia up to Order citing three diagnostic characters and one example of each.10
2.        (a) Mention three anatomical changes which transformed the ancestral amphibians into land adapted reptiles.5
(b) Describe various types of skull found in reptiles.5
3.        (a) What are the secondary sex characters in Amphibia?5
(b) Give a brief account of the parental care in Amphibia.5
4.        (a) What is a tadpole?3
(b) Discuss how amphibians are adapted for aquatic life?7
5.        (a) Why are rhynchocephalians called ‘Living Fossil’?5
(B) Comment on the status and affinities of Sphenodon.5
6.        (a) Mention three differentiate between venomous and non- venomous snakes giving one example of each.3
(b) Describe biting apparatus of a venomous snake.7
7.        Write an essay on the Mesozoic reptiles.10
8.        (a) What are mammal like reptiles?5
(b) Give an account of the stem reptiles.5
9.        Write notes on any four of the following;2.5x4=10
a.        Burrowing amphibians;
b.        Warts;
c.        Synapsida;
d.        Sea turtles;
e.        Crocodiles;
f.         Turtle shell.

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